Terrestrial Planets

The terrestrial planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

  • They are the first four planets from the sun.
  • They are smaller than the other planets known as Gas Giant Planets.
  • Their surfaces are made of hard rock. This differs from the Gas Giant Planets as you will learn in the Gas Giants section.

Mercury: Excellent site with statistics of Mercury and size comparisons of other planets.

Picture: A Spectacular Rayed Crater on Mercury

Venus: Interactive site with statistics, photos and size comparisons.

Picture: Venus in the Moon

Earth: Excellent site with Earth statistics and size comparisons of other planets

Picture: 31 Million Miles from Planet Earth

Mars: Excellent site with statistics of Mars and size comparisons of other planets.

Picture: Radar Indicates Buried Glaciers on Mars

Separating the Terrestrial Planets from the Gas Giant Planets in the Asteroid Belt.

Asteroids and Comets: Learn more about asteroids and comets!

Picture: Amazing Comet Holmes

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